Update for Your Inbox (Please Read)

Fewer Firebird Focus Emails Will Show Up in Your Inbox 😭


I just wanted to let you know that starting next week, Firebird Focus will be delivered to your inbox every other day as opposed to daily.

At this point in the offseason, there’s enough content going on in the offseason to justify writing every other day, but not every day.

As the countdown to the season gets closer in March, I’ll ramp back up to every day, but for now, you can expect Firebird Focus in your inbox on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays around 7:00 AM. If anything else changes, I’ll make sure to update you.

Please don’t be heartbroken! You’ll still get plenty of Firebird news, and if this still isn’t enough for you, digest even more on our social media accounts.

Until next week,
