Two Days Until Our Home Opener!

Plus: Some great pictures from media day

Happy Wednesday! Firebird media day came and went, and we’re now only three days away from our first game of the season! It’s a super exciting time to be a Firebirds fan. Today, I’ll break down how you can buy tickets, and share some awesome photos:

Table of Contents

How to Buy Tickets for This Friday

If you could only make it to one Firebirds game the entire year, this game would be the one to attend. The home opener always has an incredible atmosphere, with the gym packed and standing room only. This Friday, March 7th, we’ll take on the Savannah Buccaneers to begin our 2025 season.

Media Day Photos

As you may have heard from me a few days ago, Monday was media day! That’s when we take a ton of really cool pictures of this year’s players, which will be used all throughout the season. Below are a few of my favorites for you to enjoy:

There’s more on the way, so stay tuned!

Fitness Tip of the Day:

Avoid electronics before bed time, as they can mess with your sleep! Put away devices that emit both light and sound before you go to bed.

Unfortunately, our final roster isn’t available to the public yet (which I assumed it would be). I apologize for the inconvenience and will send out an email once we have the full roster and can release it to you guys. Of course, the best way to see the guys in action is to make sure you get tickets for Friday :)

Make sure to stay tuned, as we’ll have more Firebird Focus than usual coming this week!

Until then,
