New Halftime Entertainment from Opening Night!

This is something we've never done before

If you’ve been to a Firebirds game before, then you know that sometimes during halftime there will be an event of some kind. This can range from a performance by the Eagle Regiment Band to a three-point contest between police officers and firemen. However, for March 2nd, our first home game of the year, we have some completely new halftime entertainment.

For the first time in Firebirds’ history, we will have a halftime show from a rapper! His name is Rome Jeterr, and he’s a local hip-hop artist who’s been independently making music for around five years. You probably haven’t heard of him before, but if you check him on Instagram or on Spotify, his music is available to listen to.

We’ve had performances before, but not from a single artist like this! It’ll be the first of its kind, and going down in front of one of the largest crowds of the entire year.

To make sure you don’t miss this performance, buy tickets to our home opener today!

I’ll be back on Wednesday with a more long-form piece of content.

Until then,
