A Monday Mindset Shift

What Will It Take for You to Go All In?

While taking some time to reflect this weekend, I checked my ever-busy Inbox (just like you’re doing right now!), and caught up on some of my email. One message that stood out to me was from Tim Grover.

If you don’t know Tim…

He was best known for being Michael Jordan’s trainer but has written many books, trained other top NBA talents (Kobe Bryant, Dwayne Wade, etc), and now, is releasing a 10-part docuseries called Breakthrough. It’s a Masterclass about getting to the next level in whatever it is you’re trying to achieve in life.

The Masterclass drops on September 26th, but in the meantime, he’s been giving out sneak peaks to people on his email list, and one of the ones I saw yesterday really resonated with me.

It was about being all in on something.

In the short teaser, this is what he had to say:

“Once you decide to be all in, you are going to be misunderstood by every individual out there, including yourself. You will no longer recognize yourself. Because being all in requires you to show up differently, and different scares people.”

This was music to my ears, but it also made me think about what it takes to be all in on something.

All of us have so much going on in our lives: school/work, parents, partners, side hustles, maybe kids, etc.

It’s extremely difficult to just lock in on one thing and invest your all into it.

But what if you could? What if, while not being perfect, you strove for greatness at whatever it is you feel the most passionate about it and made truly meaningful success?

That’s my challenge to you as we start this week. And that’s what I’m challenging myself and the Firebirds to do for our upcoming season: to go all in on becoming the best team, and delivering the best experience that we can to our amazing fans.

Feel free to share this if it resonated with you at all, or if you know someone who it would resonate with.
