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  • A Lesson I Learned from a Sales Executive in the NBA

A Lesson I Learned from a Sales Executive in the NBA

On Monday morning after I emailed you, I had an interesting conversation with a sales executive from a well-known professional basketball team. While there was a lot I learned from that conversation, one thing stood out to me.

This woman had also done sales in minor league sports, so she understood the challenge of getting your name and brand out there. And while I assumed working for a larger, more professional company making tens of millions of dollars was more difficult…

It wasn’t.

I missed one key thing.

When you work for an NBA team, almost everyone knows who you are. Working for a minor league team? Almost no one knows about you.

I guess what I’m trying to say here…

a. Don’t ignore the obvious

b. Some jobs are a lot more difficult than you think they are, even when you’re working in those jobs and feel the struggle. So give yourself a pat on the back and recognize the good work you’re doing.

I have a story for you guys on Friday that I think you’ll like, so I’ll be back in your inbox then.
