Happy Firebirds Friday 🥳 🥳 🥳

Plus: It's Gameday!

Happy Firebirds Friday everyone! A Friday during the spring can almost always guarantee two things:

  1. The Firebirds will be on The Sports Shop Radio Show to discuss the season and what’s going on with the team

  2. It’s game day!

I think you know by this point where you can catch the Sports Shop Radio Show. But, in case you forgot…

And since it’s a Friday, that means it’s gameday! Our foe for this week? The West Virginia Grind! They currently sit at 1-2, meaning this should be a win for the Firebirds. However, given how the last few games have gone, don’t be surprised if this game is won in an exciting fashion!

Even though the Firebirds have been winning games like crazy, every game has been close enough to have fans on the edge of their seats, wondering if the team will put out yet another victory. If you want to watch the Firebirds go 5-0 tonight, then make sure to get tickets for the game here! 
