The Good and the Bad

There’s good news and bad news today. The bad news? We lost our second game of the season, so our record is 8-2. The good news? We had a great crowd for our first game in our new home…and we’re 8-2!

Yes, a loss wasn’t the most amazing thing in the world. I’m not trying to be complacent by any means, but 8-2 is still a great record to have, and we have a wide lead over the rest of the Southeastern Division. See for yourself:

Note: Our second loss hasn’t been updated yet

While the outcome of the game wasn’t great, the atmosphere we played in was! It was our first-ever game at Emergy Gymnasium, and we had hundreds of Firebird fans present! We also had a marching band in attendance, all of which made for an amazing atmosphere.

Luckily for us, we get a rematch against Jacksonville at home in two weeks! The game is on the 27th, so make sure you don’t miss that one.

There are only six more home games before the regular season ends, and we need all the support we can get! Go buy your tickets to our next home game now, and make sure you’re there to support the best basketball team in Raleigh!

Until Wednesday,
